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OMG. YOU GUYS. My Doctor Who swap package. PREPARE TO BE AMAZED AND JEALOUS. Behold, my awesome haul from stafaniegk:


AHH WALL HANGING I LOVE IT. Check out this GQMF, Donna:



AHH A CLOCK. We so needed a clock. And of course I will tell people it’s half past David Tennent. BECAUSE YES.


CHECK OUT THESE BOXES. I love boxes. This are covered with Doctor Who goodness. The one on the right is entirely pictures from The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances. YAY. The boxes are from IKEA and I had to assemble them (which was… interesting). I’m highly amused that there’s a rivet that had to go through Rose’s temple:



All the doctors! I am going to store all the things. Inside this fab box was this:


Basically a billion cards (with envelopes!) all with Who quotes. SO MANY QUOTES. Inspiration for my next embroidery project. Will be sending cards to everyone I know. : )


Laminated copies of this pic. ADORABLE. Hello, new bookmarks.

And the best thing of all:


YOU GUYS, STEFANIE MADE ME GUESS WHO. IT’S GUESS DOCTOR WHO. AHH. I love it. Look at the little character cards:


And as if that wasn’t enough (which, Christ), she sent everything in this totally awesome box covered with Who pictures:





So yeah. All the things. I can’t even word you guys. I’m just stunned and so very grateful for the awesome people I get to swap with. Just… OMG.

As promised, here’s what I made for the Doctor Who Swap on Craftster I participated in:


Pattern: TARDIS socks
Yarn: Lion Brand Sock Ease and some white and black scraps
Needles: US 1/2.25mm
Modifications: Well, they’re mitts and not socks soo….

I’m pretty chuffed with how they came out. They were a bit large for my hands, but I have small hands.


I made this zipper pouch, the fabric of which you will recognize from the drawstring bag I made myself.


This drawing of the Doctor’s name from his cot in “A Good Man Goes to War” (the second part; can’t remember what that one’s called). I actually traced it from my computer screen, though I did sketch it out more fully on my own.


I painted a notebook to look like River’s spoiler journal and coated it with mod podge. I drew this on the inside front cover:


It says “Spoilers” in circular Galifreyan. I love it.

I also made a card, but I don’t have a picture of it. I signed my name in circular Galifreyan thought. : ) My package should arrive sometime next week (excite) and I will definitely show that off.

Next time: What I received in the yarnies vs. hoopers swap. Because it’s awesome.

My partner, TwistedTruth, received her package yesterday so I can FINALLY post about the completely awesome things I made her. I have been DYING to show you guys this stuff since I started. I am completely thrilled with everything I made. So here’s what I made:

First, the card:


Paper cut out, gold cardstock and black sharpie, covered with mod podge. Seriously, you guys. I need to do this paper cut out/pod podge delio more often because I really enjoy it and the results are usually pretty good.

Then a cross stitch bookmark:


I used the pattern that’s located here for the Professor then sewed some red felt on the back. My partner does a lot of ATC swaps, so I figure this could be a fabric ATC if she wanted.

Then I did some drawings, which isn’t a thing I usually do because I generally consider myself non-artistic. But I can copy an image pretty well:


Colored pencil and sharpie on card stock. My partner said she likes Pazzuzzu, the professor’s gargoyle. I thought this was a cute scene to sketch. I left the color testing on the side because I find that sort of thing interested, but she can trim it off if she likes.

Next is a somewhat more ambitious art piece:


Sharpie on card stock. Based on this toadily (yes, I went there) bitchin’ image here which is, of course, based on this iconic Obama poster. I am completely, utterly thrilled with how this came out and I am considering making another for myself. Because seriously, I’m toadily (yes, again) chuffed with it.

Last and not least (greatest, actually) is the pis de resistance, this fantastic stuffie:


It’s a knitted Robot Devil! Made in recycled wool. A pattern I made up as I went and which is probably entirely too complicated for me to want to write up. He has cardboard in the larger shapes and 18 gauge wire in the limbs so they can be posed. He doesn’t sit up very well but I think it’s a pretty good likeness.

Look at his little fingers!


I can’t wait to see what my partner makes for me but I’m so excited about the things that I made that getting stuff in return is just icing on my crafting cake.

As I’ve mentioned before, my love of a fandom is cemented when I craft for it. Well, I recently participated in a Doctor Who swap on It’s a OTT thing swap, wherein you make one tiny thing based on the theme. I am super super proud of what I made. (dragonflyducky, if you haven’t received yet, no peeking!)

It took me a while to decide what I wanted to make, and I finally decided on an embroidery. And it’s great:


(It says “The angels have the phone box.”)

Check out those o’s! They’re so neat and even! For the angel, I found a picture of a Weeping Angel, then traced it from my monitor onto some tissue paper. Then I taped the tissue paper to a sunny window and traced the design onto my fabric. Yes, it was quite a few steps. Yes, it turned out awesome.

I also made a completely awesome card/bonus art thing.


The pieces were individually cut out of cardstock and glued down. There are a couple of pen lines but the majority is just bits of paper. The whole thing is coated in mod podge, giving it a sort of artsy feel. It’s kind of amazing. You may recall I made a similar card for my BSG swap. It’s a somewhat time-consuming process but the final product is so cool. I should do more art-type things.

I’m also currently involved in a Futurama swap, a hat swap, and I’m still working on the mohair sweater for WWFY. I like swaps. Also, yes, I’m a huge nerd. : )

The above courtesy of my favorite thing on the internet, Teen Girl Squad, episode 12, I think. It’s basically the best thing ever.

So today is Valentine’s Day! Happy Valentine’s Day! Not that I need a special commercialized holiday to celebrate my love for my SO, but I did anyway, in the form of presents! I posted a teaser a couple days ago, and here’s the finished embroidery piece:


It’s stretched around some cardboard, framed, and everything. I think it came out super well and my boyfriend loved it. : ) The quote is from a They Might Be Giants song called “Birdhouse” and it’s completely adorable, and you should listen to it:

CUTE. Here’s a close up of my bird:


I also made Joe a pretty pretty card:


It’s frilly and lacy cause that’s what I like, damn it!

Joe wrote me a jazz ballad for Valentine’s Day, cause he does that, and it’s wonderful and romantic and pretty. It also uses rhythms and melodies from the Valentine’s Teen Girl Squad, which I linked above (and you should have watched already, but I’ll wait while you do so now) and I wish I could share it with you, but I can’t. But know that it’s great. : )

So yes. Happy Valentine’s Day! Go forth and say lovely things to people you love.

So the other day I took a couple hours off from knitting because I was sick of shark mittens and I wanted a different sort of project. So I whipped out my Styrofoam mannequin head, my collection of yarn labels, and a container of mod podge, and a couple of hours (and MANY little bits of dried mod podge everywhere), the result was this:


I’d been planning this project for a while, at least generally. I’d been saving my yarn labels to decoupage something, and I’m really pleased with how the mannequin head came out.


Now, instead of just a prop for modeling hats, it’s also a decorative conversation piece. : ) The making of the thing was pretty simple–glue on labels, smooth down, coat with mod podge. I originally tried to use an old credit card, but that wasn’t really working on a rounded surface, so instead I just used my fingers. It was super messy (I was COVERED in mod podge), but it was effective. The mess wasn’t helped by my upending the bottle of mod podge all over the floor (glad that stuff dries clear), but it was fun nonetheless.

In knitting news, I am still doing it. Though thankfully, not shark mittens. I am almost finished with a pair of Kitty Hawk mitts, and I just started the matching hat. It’s cute, but I’ll be pleased when I’m done with it.

So I also recently claimed puzzler for some slippers and some notecards. I turned to my trusty slipper pattern and…


Pattern: Mary Jane Slippers from Oh My Goodknits
Yarn: Lion Wool in Dark Teal or somesuch
Hook: 3.75 mm/F
Mods: Made them longer to fit a US size 9/10ish foot.


This is possibly the fourth or fifth time I’ve made slippers from this pattern. It’s a good pattern and it consistently produces good slippers. Also, it’s HELLA fast. Like, two hours for the pair maybe. Very fast. One of these days I’ll make a pair for myself maybe, but in the meantime, they’re great for swaps. Everyone likes slippers, right? : )

Anyway, I also made notecards, as I mentioned above:


I stuck with simple cause that was Puzzler’s request and I really like how they came out. Especially the turtle. I love the turtle. The next time I have to congratulate someone via card, I’m totally making another one. : )

PS: Don’t forget about the giveaway to win a copy of one of my patterns!

For Ongoing Wish Swap! I love that swap, guys. Anyway, I claimed lindyv321 for an address book, some inchies, and a wisty surprise. The wisty surprise didn’t really work out, but the address book is really cool (and probably took over two hours anyway).

First, the inchies:


I’m quite proud of these, actually. They’re very simple–a background and words or picture. I like ’em. Especially the stripey one. I also included a few extra bases (newsprint and striped scrapbook paper) cause I didn’t want to make more, and she had inchie bases on her list.

Now, here’s the address book, which is Alice in Wonderland themed:

(front, and it actually is square and not trapezoidal)


It was a ton of fun to make, and I like it a lot. For the front, I found an image of the Cheshire Cat online and drew it out myself, referencing the image (and I did the same with Alice on the back, only that was harder). I stamped out the quote on cardstock (the one on the back I just wrote out), then covered the whole thing with Mod Podge and glued on a stretched out piece of tee shirt for a closure.

The base book is just something I found at the dollar store. I had previously found a smaller one that I liked a lot better, but it disappeared somewhere in the house and I had to get a new one. This one (which is binder style) was the only kind they had, much to my chagrin. Still, I think it came out totally awesome, and I’m super proud of the Cheshire Cat.

I also included this card:


I like it a lot. Just a cut out of cardstock, which I spot printed with a green ink pad.

First thing’s first:


That’s right people, FEATHERWEIGHT IS DONE. My longest wip EVER (since October) is finally DONE. I settled for 3/4 length sleeves instead of the full length ones I originally planned for, BUT STILL. IT’S DONE. It’s currently laid out on my bed, drying after a soak and I can’t wait til it’s dry. It fits beautifully (before blocking at least), and I’m so pleased with it. AND, the thing I’m most pleased with is this:


When I started Featherweight, I grabbed the pound cone of the yarn and hand-wound a ball of it that kind of looked like the 100 g of lace weight that the pattern calls for. I totally guessed, having only a 100g ball of worsted weight wool to compare it to. That little ball of yarn up there is all I had left of my original hand-wound ball after knitting THE ENTIRE SWEATER.

I’m so good.

Anyway, I’ll have a proper FO post of this sweater on Thursday probably.

Clearly April is raglan fever time (Featherweight and Seafoam plus…), cause I started a new sweater. It’s just going to be a little shrug, so it shouldn’t take that long and it will be perfect for wearing over tube tops (I always feel awkward in them). It looks like this so far:


I’m using some Regia Silk sock yarn I got in a destash on Ravelry, and ohmigod, it’s SO SOFT. I love this stuff.

While I was soaking Featherweight earlier today, I got around to another craft project I’ve been meaning to do. I went from this:


to this:


A bit of scrapbook paper and some buttons make for a much prettier pencil cup than the plastic cup I’ve been using. It was super easy and took all of five minutes. AND because of where the paper joined, the seam is practically invisible:


I mean, you can see it if you look up close, but if you’re just glancing, you can’t see it at all. : )

So I was wandering about the internet, when I came upon this through the sadly now-defunct Folding Trees. Click the link. Really. It’s super cool, and you’ll be glad I told you to do it. I’ll wait.

Back? IT’S AN ORIGAMI X-WING. I KNOW, RIGHT? Seeing as my boyfriend is completely Star Wars obsessed and I like making things for him (I’m given surprisingly few opportunities as my primary craft is knitting and he’s PRACTICALLY IMPERVIOUS TO COLD), I had to whip one up:


This is my first attempt. It’s a little sad. Clearly I wasn’t paying very close attention to it, and the folds kind of… suck.

My next attempt was much less sucky:

(It’s really much better than it looks here. Really.)

If you or someone you know likes Star Wars, you should totally make them an origami X-Wing. Some of the directions are a little bit vague and confusing, but if you’re good at origami, it should be a piece of cake. And if you’re not (*raises hand*) it’s still pretty easy. It says at the top, and I’ll tell you again here, be sure to make your folds precise, especially when folding over corners. They get pretty tiny at the end.

If you’ve not left already to rush off and make X-Wings, I’ll mention that I’m still working on my summer cardi reknit. I have about five or six more inches (yes, already. I knit in class and it’s worsted weight on 4.5 mm needles) and then I have to pick up for ribbing and whatnot. So that’s happening. FO soon, I wager.