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Soooo I realize I’ve been a little remiss in posting on this blog, here. I’ve mostly been knitting lately, and that usually means the blog is a parade of FOs. I don’t know if you guys like that or not, but in any case, I’ve sort of fallen off the wagon. This time, however, I something of an excuse…

Craftsy Writer

I have indeed been blogging, just unfortunately not here. My first post is up on Crafty now. It’s about weaving with yarn designed for knitting, and you should definitely give it a look.

I’m not sure how often my posts will be published over on Craftsy, but I’ll be writing them about once a week (or so… we all know my track record with regular blogging, after all). They will mostly be about spinning and weaving, but I think I can throw some sewing and knitting in there from time to time. Unlike my posts here, which, as I’ve mentioned, tend to be of the FO parade sort, my Craftsy posts will be much more informative.

So please take a look and let me know what you think! Or what you’d like to see from me in the future. (And I’ll try to be better about posting here, even if it is only showing off what I’ve been making).

OH, and one last (off-topic) thing: Maryland Sheep and Wool is in two weeks, and I will definitely be attending, at least on Saturday. I’ll let you know closer to the date what I’ll be wearing so you can come up and say hi if you’d like. (Maybe there will be prizes? Who knows.)

Hey, so remember when I had that blog and I updated it and told everyone about the stuff I was making? And then I apparently fell of a cliff and never got around to posting for like a month? Yeah. So hi. It’s my birthday today (I’m 23), so I guess you guys get the gift of a post today. I don’t know. Anyway.

I’ve been hella busy recently. I went up to visit the boyfriend’s paternal folks for Thanksgiving and as such spent several days in New York City. There are no pictures, but we played a lot of Scrabble and other tabletop games and also there was food or whatever. Every side of the boyfriend’s family is awesome and it’s totally not fair.

On the crafting front, I have been knitting like a madwoman, but almost entirely shark mittens for Etsy. And I still have like five open orders because I apparently hate knitting anything for myself ever. Anyway. One of the Etsy things I made was a matching set of mittens and hat. Stegosaurus versions! So have some pictures:


Pattern: Jurassic Mittens (Steggie version)
Yarn: Cotton/acrylic blend. Broke my sweater fast for the yarn.
Needles: US 8/5mm


So now that I’ve actually made the Steggie mittens, I’m going to update the Jurassic Mittens pattern with more pictures and fix everything up and what all.

Here’s the hat:


There’s no pattern cause I made it up as I went along, but I’m pretty pleased with how it came out. The boyfriend reminded me about the little spikes at the end of a Steg’s tail, so I included them on the hat. Perhaps I’ll write it up. I haven’t done any pattern writing in a while.

I’ll try to get back on the posting ball, but I’m mostly just making sharks here. And I rarely photograph them before I send them out. Plus I’m going down to Virginia Beach on the 19th and spending Christmas in Florida, so I’ll be busy. But I’ll try.

In book news: Joe and I read Outgoing Flight, which was AHH AMAZING and I totally worship at the church of Timothy Zahn. I’m currently reading Spinneret, a book of his I bought on Amazon’s black Friday sale. ALSO did you know that there are Stargate Atlantis books that follow the show cancellation? OF COURSE I bought those suckers. I finished the first one. For more book news, you can follow me on Goodreads here.

I am participating in Knitting and Crochet Blog Week again this year! I have participated for the last two years and it’s a lot of fun. I love meeting new people and new blogs through the tag system. Fortunately, KCBW starts the Monday after I get back from Florida, so I won’t have to worry too much about planning my posts ahead.

If you have a blog, I hope you participate too! Information can be found on Topics include color, knitting for seasons, and a photography challenge.

In regular knitting news, I have finished all the hexagons, the neckline and 1.5 armbands on my swap Hexagon Petal Tee. I should finish it up in short order but I’m not sure when I’ll be able to post about it. We’re going to the Magic Kingdom tomorrow, MGM/Hollywood Studios on Tuesday and Animal Kingdom on Thursday. It’ll be a busy week but fun I think.

So I talk about my boyfriend fairly frequently on this here blog of mine. His name is Joe. He looks like this:

So he’s pretty amazing. He has a blog now! It’s muchly about music (orchestral and film in particular). He’s delightful and witty and humorous (and I’m not just saying that because I’m with him). Seriously, he’s great. Go read the blog. Be amused.

Blog blog!

First: A small clarification. When I say I participate in NaBloPoMo, I mean unofficially. I didn’t sign up anywhere; I just want to try to post every day. Apparently the official NaBloPoMo is located at BlogHer this year (a site for female bloggers), but the point is all blogging, not just female bloggers, so… Unofficial. Feel free to unofficially blog every day with me!

For today: The projects I currently have on the needles:


The second pair of fingerless mitts for WWFY, same yarn, same pattern.


Shark mittens for Etsy.


And my Karlsro, which I worked on for the last couple of days and is now about halfway done. There are a couple of other things on needles at the moment, but I’m not actually working on them. I think I have a total of five wips at the moment, which is more than I’d like. Guess I’d better knit faster.

Today Tomorrow is November 1st. That means the beginning of NaNoWriMo and also NaBloPoMo, which I will be attempting this year. I’m actually working now which might make things difficult (especially for pictures), but I’m going to do the best I can. So look for new posts every day this month! First up: A knitted thing.


Pattern: Baby Fan Mitts
Yarn: Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool in Rosehip, about half a skein.
Needles: US 4/3.5mm
Mods: None, knit exactly as written.


I made these for a WWFY swap (along with a second pair I’ve started) in return for two skeins (different brands though) of wool/silk yarn and a skein of baby alpaca yarn. Which I have pictures of. Tomorrow! For additional blog fodder.

Anyway, happy November (tomorrow)! Anyone else doing NaBloPoMo?

ETA: I’m dumb and published this post instead of saving it for tomorrow. So um, yeah. Happy Halloween! Have some candy. See you tomorrow for NaBloPoMo.

First thing’s first: Announcement! Etsy has finally allowed one-time shop name changes, which I took advantage of to overwrite the silly name I picked in high school. You can now find my Etsy store at The old url will still redirect to the new one, so don’t worry about links (mine or yours).

Second thing: I won an award!

The person who awarded me the Versatile Blogger Award is Renee of Confessions of a Yarn Addict., who is completely delightful. Thank you!

By accepting the Versatile Blogger award, I have agreed to the following:
1. Thank the blogger who presented it to me and link back to their page.
2. Share 7 things about myself.
3. Pass this award to some newly discovered blogs.

Alrighty then, seven things about myself (some of which you probably already know):

1. Having just recently graduated from college, I am unemployed and live with my parents. It is cheap but not always pleasant.

2. I love cats. LOVE. We have four here, two of which like to snuggle up on the bed. One of the others is outside most of the time and the last is usually in the living room, knocking things over so he can sleep where he wants.

3. My room has scary bugs, so I moved into my sister’s while she is at college. She will probably be upset at the changes when she gets home (YES, I did tell her).

4. If I had the space, time, and money, I’d do every craft. All of time. Glasswork, pottery, book-making, beading, quilting… I can’t think of a craft I don’t want to do. If it has a board on Craftster, I want to do it.

5. I suffer from depression (well controlled) and anxiety (working on controlling) as well as mild OCD. If you are suffering, GET HELP. I waited until my senior year of college and I shudder to think of all the things I could have done and been if I had gotten things together way earlier. Seriously, go to your local Community Services Board or Dept. of Health or non-profit hospital. You CAN afford it and you DO deserve the help.

6. I am a huge nerd. Which shouldn’t be a surprise. I love grammar and BSG and the Whedonverse and sci fi and biology and astronomy and comic book movies (and I would take up comics if I could afford it) and video games (when I can afford it, I want to buy a dedicated gaming tower. My MacBook can’t really run graphics-intense games and that makes me sad. I’ve never even played Portal! How sad it that?

7. I am completely (possibly weirdly so) obsessed with Rodney McKay from Stargate: Atlantis. Every time I think about it or see an actor from it elsewhere, I am utterly dejected all over again that it’s done and there really isn’t a movie coming. (Also, McShep. Yes.)

Okay! There’s seven things about me you probably already knew or didn’t want to know about me. Here are some blogs I’m awarding Versatile Blogger to.

1. Finny Knits In addition to having 101 hobbies (as she says), she is also completely hilarious. Um, also, she swears a lot (not that I care, but you might have sensitive eyes).

2. Wool and Cotton Muchly knitting but also gorgeous pictures of Greece, where she lives. I wish to go to Greece.

3. Odessa Knits She knits with pretty yarn. And works at (owns?) a yarn shop, so I am jealous.

4. Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts Nessa is completely delightful, very friendly, and does some nice crafts. Her blog is a lovely blend of crafts and life and other stuff.

5. Aunt Peaches She does many different crafts and has a delightfully quirky sense of humor. I always look forward to her posts!

6. Mich L. in LA Mich’s blog is one of my favorites, full of quirky and cute jewelry tutorials and giveaways and contests.

7. Kitschy Coo Sewing, fabric, Scotland, snark, kids, and daily life. Also hilarity.

I think seven is good. I follow a lot of blogs (I have 213 in my Google Reader account. Some are no longer active or are updated infrequently, but I usually have about 80 posts a day to sift through) so I forget which ones were added when. If you haven’t already (I think I linked Finny during the last blog week?) please do click through and add some delightful blogs to your reading list.

Hey everyone, Nessa interviewed me over at Mixed Martial Arts and Crafts. Go check it out! I’ll be back with an FO post later today.

Write about your typical crafting time. When it is that you are likely to craft – alone or in more social environments, when watching TV or whilst taking bus journeys. What items do you like to surround yourself with whilst you twirl your hook like a majorette’s baton or work those needles like a skilled set of samurai swords. Do you always have snacks to hand, or are you a strictly ‘no crumbs near my yarn!’ kind of knitter.

So I’m pretty sure I discussed this last year, but I knit damn near all the time. In class. While walking. In the car. Hanging out with friends. At a party (though less there as my stitches go a little wonky after a drink or two…). I don’t really have “knitting time” cause to me, every time is knitting time.

Recently, I’ve been knitting here:


This is a blanket fort some friends and Joe and I built in our living room. It’s highly awesome. There are twinkle lights inside.


It’s perfect for curling up with some pillows, my laptop, my boyfriend, and my knitting. Yay. : )

This is the last entry for Knitting and Crochet Blog Week, so I hope you guys had fun (and that new readers will stick around!). Don’t forget about the contest. You should totally enter even if you think someone has already guessed it–if your answer includes a more specific detail, you could still win! You have until tomorrow sometime or until I get around to choosing a winner. : )

This is an experimental blogging day to try and push your creativity in blogging to the same level that you perhaps push your creativity in the items you create.

For today’s blog post, we’re going to have a contest!

I am working on a thing. The thing involves yarn, but it is a secret thing. A very special secret thing. If you can guess what it is based on the photo below, you will win a kit to make my Spiffy Spats (yarn, buttons, possibly a project bag, copy of pattern).

Here is the secret close-up photo:


Leave a comment with your guess and a way to contact you. You have until the end of blog week (Sunday night) to guess what this thing is. You may use whatever means necessary to find out (for example, investigating other websites I’m known to inhabit). Contest is open to everyone, regardless of location. If no one guesses successfully, I’ll pick a random winner to win the kit.

Good luck!


ETA: The more specific the better. Just sayin’.