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So I joined a swap on Craftster that was bird themed. Whoo! My partner was PinkChick. Here’s what I sent her:


An amigurumi peacock! The body is actually teal, but for some reason, my camera has a problem picking up that color. **shrug** There’s a pattern for a crochet peacock on Ravelry, but it wasn’t exact enough for me, so I made it up as I went. I like it. It’s cute. My first attempt looked like a blue turkey, but I think this one is distinctly peacock-like.


My first embroidery project! I’ve been meaning to take up cross stitch and embroidery as a means of decorating (simply–I don’t have the patience for all those complicated counted cross stitches), so I thought I’d dive in with this bird. I like how it came out! I traced a vague outline but mostly did it free hand. Here’s a close up of the bird:


My stitching isn’t that even cause I’m new at it, but I suspect it’ll get better with practice. And I do intend to practice.

I also included this card, for which I used a stamp I got in that big batch of supplies from OWS:


I like this too. I like bird stamps. : )

Stay tuned for the gallery link and what I got from my partner!

So, yes. OWS. I claimed Spotnik for a totebag and slippers for her husband. And they’re AWESOME. Cause I’m good like that.


Pattern: Garter/Rib Slippers
Yarn: Bernat Alpaca Blends
Needles: US 8/5 mm
Mods: None? Made them bigger, I guess.

They are way too big on me and too big on my shoe size 8.5 boyfriend (who’s modeling), but that’s that’s to be expected seeing as the recipient’s feet are size 10.5. I think they came out well. They’re super fast and easy to make, and they look pretty good too. On feet, that is. They look very silly when they’re not on feet:


Yeah. Anyway, I also made a TOTALLY KICK ASS totebag:


Check out that hot hot reverse applique action:


The brown and blue fabrics are canvas I found at the thrift store for uber cheap, and the lining is an old sheet. I am running low on old sheet, so when I am home for the summer, I’ll have to get another one at the thrift store. Sheets really are perfect for lining stuff.

I had a bit of sewing-related inspiration recently, so I sewed up a couple of things, one of which you can purchase and keep and own for yourself.

First: Coffee Cozy number one:

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(That last one is the backing fabric.)

There was a bit of trial and error involved in getting the pattern right, but I like how it came out. Two pieces of scrap fabric and a piece of cotton quilt batting, a hair tie, and a button. I wish I’d have sewn the button on before I sewed the whole thing together, but I love how this came out anyway. Also, it’s topstitched, and I love things with topstitching. Also, I love both of these fabrics, which I’ve had forever.

Second: Coffee Cozy number two:

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Same pattern as the last one but I attempted to machine sew on the buttons (without a button foot). It came out… Interestingly. I like it a lot, actually, but unfortunately, my bobbin went a little screwy so the back is all messed up, so I can’t sell this extra one. : ( Also, I used a piece of a t-shirt scrap, part of a curtain I bought at the thrift store a while ago, and the quilt batting. And a hair tie (cut in half) and some buttons. : )

Third: Iron Maiden Tote Bag

And this is the item you can own for yourself! If you love Iron Maiden or if you know someone who does, this would be the perfect gift for them (or you):

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A Hot Topic tee I picked up at Rugged Wearhouse for like four dollars (in the kids’ section… win) and some stiff canvas-like fabric. The straps are from a roll of thick fabric ribbon that I got from Target after Christmas.

If you’d like this bag in your possession, you can pick it up here on Artfire.

Coming up soon: Swap things and perhaps the Button Me Up/Superman Sweater which now measures 12.5″. Why yes, I do knit almost constantly. : )

I finally received my swap package from Rockmygypsysoul on Crafster, and it is rockin’:


Sweet coasters:

Stitch markers:

She used almost all of my quotes between the bag and the coasters, and the bag has such a great shape. Because I know you can’t read it, the quotes on the bag are:

“The one you love and the one that loves you are never ever the same person.” (Invisible Monsters)
“You know that old saying about how you always hurt the one you love? Well, it goes both ways.” (Fight Club)
“We are not special. We’re not crap or trash either, we just are. We just are, and what happens just happens.” (Fight Club)

And now, here are the things I sent to her:


Notebook made completely from scratch (recycled cardboard, white paper, decorations from stash). Interestingly (I think anyway) it’s sewn together with dental floss–I wanted something stronger than thread but didn’t want to buy anything new. Stash item ftw.

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A set of notecards made from computer paper and construction paper. The quote on them is “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart, I will always be with you.” (AA Milne). They were lots of fun to make.

And finally:

Tote bag made from red houndstooth fabric, a flowery bedsheet (the lining), and felt. I used this awesome-strong fabric glue so I didn’t have to fiddle with sewing on the letters, though I did cut them out free hand. The quote that this goes with is from the West Wing and is something to the effect of, “Victory is mine! Victory is mine! Bring me the finest muffins and bagels in all the land!” The muffin is a t-shirt scrap and a scrap from a thrifted curtain.

Stay tuned for one more swap, which is finishing up soon.

Before I get to the pictures, here’s an update: I have completely finished Hey Teach, buttons and everything. Still need to photograph it (that’ll happen soon), but in the mean time, I have plenty of other things to post over the next week or so. I sent out one of two swap packages and am expecting mine any day now, so look for that post probably Monday.

But as for now: Two things I’ve done recently and (OMG!) how you can get them in your possession.

First: ADCD tote bag!

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Made from an ACDC t-shirt I purchased at Rugged Warehouse and some fabric I purchased at Walmart. It’s 15″ by 15.5″ with a squared bottom and the straps are 16″ tall. It’s totally machine washable and very sturdy. It also has a line of blue topstitching around the top of the bag.

This totebag, perfect for an ACDC fan, is available here on Etsy and here on Artfire.

Item number two: Another dpn/pencil/crochet hook roll.

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This is made from cotton houndstooth fabric and a thrifted Barney bedsheet. It has eight pockets, six of which are an inch across and two of which are two inches across. It ties securely with ties made of t-shirt scraps.

This little organizer would be perfect for dpns, crochet hooks, pens, pencils, paint brushes or colored pencils for yourself or as a girl. It’s available here on Artfire.

Stay tuned for more crafts, including Hey Teach, a hat, and the swap.

I recently participated in a swap on Craftster, the theme of which is naughty words. Awesome, yeah? Well, both my partner and myself have received, so here I will provide you with pictures of all the swear-y goodness.

From me (and these are her pictures because… well, my camera, my laptop, my hard drive, and I don’t really get along that well):



A coffee cozy (Red Heart acrylic on eights, knit flat and seamed. Says Fuck), a pair of fingerless mittens with very crude embroidery/duplicate stitched “fuck!” and “shit!”, a little pouch (with a snap! And a wristband!), and the most awesome bag I’ve ever made. The lettering was a bit tedious, but if anyone wants a bag like this, let me know. I’m more than happy to commission another one cause it was quite fun to make. Also: other words. : )

Anyway, here is my totally bitchin’ package from my partner:

A door sign which is currently on my bookshelf:


Note cards for wishing someone “Whore!” or “Cunt!”:


A kickass box, in which to store my stitch markers:


Many of which she made me:


(As a side-note, I fucking LOVE stitch markers and would like to horde some awesome ones. I’m planning like 47 more swaps, expressly for this purpose.)

And this FUCKING AWESOME embroidery, which is currently residing on my printer:


It was an awesome swap! If you want to see more swear-y, crafty awesome, the swap gallery is located here.

Hello all, and welcome to the first post of my brand new craft blog, The Adulterous Whores Club, which (if you check the About page, you’ll see) is named for a high school joke. Here in this blog, you’ll find pictures of new crafts I’ve made, my attempts at pattern-writing, ramblings of ideas concerning crafts, and other crafty things. You might find special information or deals in my etsy, tutorials, and (maybe, someday, if I ever gain readership) contests. We’ll see how things go.

This is basically the beginning of my attempt to draw business toward my crafty pursuits. I enjoy crafting immensely, but I also enjoy shopping on Ebay, and as a college student, that’s not always financially sound. So you all get fun crafty things, and I get to feed my Ebay addiction. I say it’s a win-win situation.

So this first post isn’t totally boring, I’ll include pictures of my latest crochet endeavor, as well as a sewing project I’m considering listing on my etsy:

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A cute little duckie/chickie that’s currently up on Etsy

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A dpn/pencil/crochet hook roll. This is actually the third I’ve made of these. The first was to test what I was doing, and the second I made for a swap (I actually intended to make the first for the swap, but I liked it so much, I kept it and made my swap partner a better one). The third I made with the intent to sell, but it isn’t up yet.

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A tote made from a t-shirt (a totally kickass t-shirt that I scored for $4 at Rugged Warehouse) and some cotton fabric ($.99 for about a yard and a half at the thrift store–it was actually a curtain). The print says “Chuck Norris can defeat a brick wall at tennis”. It also has a small pocket on the inside. I have a couple more sweet t-shirts, so I’ll probably make a bunch more tote bags. I used this one for a while, and I always abuse the hell out of my bags (I put so much stuff in them), and it held up just fine. I didn’t notice any tears or stressed stitches or anything. And I put a LOT of heavy things in my bag (water bottles, books, jackets, etc.) so I’m thinking it’s pretty sturdy design. I’m thinking I may list a couple of totes on etsy because frankly, I don’t need this many tote bags. I like making them, and I love that there are infinitely many awesome t-shirts to make them out of, but definitely I need the money more than the bags. : (