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NEVER ENDING FOS okay, maybe they’ll end soon if I stop weaving and other quick crafts. Okay, so maybe never ending FOs. Though I do have a sweater on the needles out of fingering weight yarn so if I focus on that, it’ll be a while before I finish another thing.

Anyway, I made a vest:

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Pattern: Mina’s Tuxedo Vest from Custom Knits
Yarn: recycled merino with a glorious twist
Needles: US 4 and 5 as called for in pattern
Mods: none, I knit as written. I even knit the ribbing on smaller needles as instructed, which I hardly ever do.

For those keeping track at home, this is my sixth finished sweater-type object, making me officially ahead of the knitalong. Which is good because I’m at the beach next week doing very little knitting and my current sweater in progress is in fingering yarn. Okay, there’s a bulky swim cover-up too. But still.

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This vest came out way too big and I had to take in the sides (no, you cannot see my seams). It fits much better now, but it still looks a lot better on Elizabeth than it does on me. I made it to wear over sun dresses, but it looks a little odd without sleeves, so maybe I’ll just wear it over blouses as the pattern intends.

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I need to stop making vests. Not that I make a lot, but I don’t tend to wear them. I wear the hell out of all my knit tanks though. Need to knit more tanks. And cardigans. Not that I don’t have enough cardigans, but I do wear them a lot.

What’s this? Knitting? Indeed it is! I finished a languishing knitting project, a vest I designed. This is also my second sweater type object of the year. Whoo!

Pattern: none, and I basically made it up as I went, though I did start from a design sketch.
Yarn: Brown Sheep Cotton Fine
Needles: US 4/6 mm

I had originally designed this to be a pullover with sleeves and I even started one, but I ended up ripping it. The arm hole came out too big and the sleeve was really baggy. Putting in ribbing tightened it up, and now I have a functional vest/tank top.

I have it styled as a vest in the pictures and I’d like to wear it that way, but it won’t look nearly as good on me as it does on Elizabeth. I will probably wear it as a tank over a cami. I’m going to take it to Florida, so maybe I’ll get some pictures I can add to the ravelry page.

I actually ended up wearing it out like this and it worked okay. Like I said, not as good on me as on Elizabeth.

I actually do have a picture of the vest as I will usually wear it. It’s a WIP picture from before I added the sleeve and then took it off again. So the ribbing hasn’t been added, but you can get the general idea.

In life news: I have made it down the Florida and its spotty internet connection, so posting will happen probably not that often. I was trying to root my phone (an Evo 4G LTE) so I could tether it to my laptop and managed to fuck it all up, so I can’t post from my phone like I usual would. I’m still trying to fix it. Pretty sure I can, but it’ll take some finagling.

I finished the vest I was test knitting for someone on Ravelry. I think it’s pretty cute:


Pattern: Ardys (Not up yet)
Yarn: Recycled merino held double
Needles: US 8/5 mm
Mods: None, since it was a test.


You’ll note that I have on a sleeveless dress and am barefoot. This is because it was 79 degrees outside. In February. Not only have we skipped winter, we’ve also skipped spring and gone right on to summer, apparently.

Anyway, I love how my vest came out. It probably needs a more intense blocking (I just steamed it a bit), but I like it with the belt. Also, it is my second sweater knit of the year. I’m aiming for 12 again this year but I’ll be working to include several tanks which I can wear under blouses in the winter.

I also got some exciting mail today:


I’m a member of the Selfish Knitters and Crocheters group on Ravelry and we ordered buttons.


The three middle ones are from SKC. The bottom one says “Mine.” The middle one says “Knitworthy” and the top one says “Yes, I am selfish. I live by the judgment of my own mind.” Because of course my purse needed some bastardized Ayn Ran. Also, there’s no bullying button (which I got from work) and a Juniper Moon Fiber Farm button (which I got from KIP day this past summer). There is a button on the vest in the previous pictures that says “mine.” which I also got from SKC.

So, before we get to the FO: Bad news, bears. I did not get the job I was hoping for. Good news: More time for crafting and therefore blog posting. Bad news: My only income is my Rav pattern store and my Etsy store (so like, buy my shit please). Good news: The intent to move up to Fairfax with my boyfriend is back and stronger than ever. Bad news: Not sure who’d hire me for less than a year since Joe’s planning to go to grad school next year.

Anyway, that’s enough good news/bad news.


Pattern: Box 96 Pullover from IK Summer 2010
Yarn: Recycled 60/40 cotton/acrylic sportish weight.
Needles: US 5/3.75 mm KP Options (I seriously love these needles)
Mods: Removed the roll brim in favor of garter sleeve bands. Crocheted the lace bits to the sweater. I didn’t knit the roll edging at the bottom but started right in on the decreases. It’s stocinette, so it rolls, but not much. And I still might do a row or two of sc along the bottom.

So I totally fell in love with this vest when IK Summer 2010 came out. It stuck in my brain. I eventually got the magazine from someone on Ravelry and have just now gotten around to making the vest. And I love it. I totally love it. The V is a bit deeper than anticipated, so I have to wear a tank under it if I wear it as a shirt.


It did come out a titch too big because I steam blocked it and there’s a substantial acrylic content. It’s got a lot of cotton too, so I think a spin through the washer and dryer should shrink it up a bit. And it does fit as is, I just might have to wear a belt as styled.

I can never remember whether I’ve told you about the 12 sweaters/12 months challenge I participate in on Ravelry (the group is here, but this marks number nine fr the year. I frogged a couple I made (some Leah versions), but I still made them, so I’m right on track for knitting 12 sweaters this year. Also, not all of them were for me.

I’ve pulled out the yarn, needles, and pattern book for Karlsro, a wrap sweater from Noro Book One. I knit a version for a WWFY swap and I rather liked the pattern, so I’m starting one for myself in a brown recycled wool. Y’know, once I finish all the shark mittens. : )

Sooooo here is a finished object, the Leah vest I finished the other day.


Pattern: Leah. Still working on it.
Yarn: Feza Yarns Zarone, about 1.5 skeins.
Needles: US 6
Mods: Ugh.


So this came out too big again for some reason or other, probably gauge. Cause you know I don’t swatch, ever. I ended up sewing some darts in the side and down the back and it fits pretty well now, even if there are pretty obvious seam lines. I don’t care about the ones on the sides cause my arms are usually in the way, but the one in the back (which, no, you can’t see) could be neater.

Anyway, I managed to get a finished object I’m mostly pleased with. And slowly I’m working out the kinks in the pattern with the help of some dedicated testers. Hopefully it should be available… ever. Sometime. Eventually.

I also finished my thigh high socks (pics of those tomorrow maybe) and started a colorwork hat. With cables. Because I suck at colorwork, so OF COURSE we should add cables to the mix. Fearless knitter, that’s me.

Okay, yes, it’s been nothing but FO’s lately (I have a lot of time). In my defense, this one took about an hour of knitting time.


Pattern: Ruched Eye Sleep Mask
Yarn: Malabrigo in Pearl Ten, about ten grams.
Needles: US 6/4 mm
Mods: None.


A. This was super easy and quick to knit up.
B. Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmalabrigo.
C. It’s very useful in blocking out light and much softer than the sewn ones I’ve made (and then lost).

In conclusion: Malabrigo is great.

Also, here’s a WIP photo for you:


It’s another version of Leah vest so I can get this damn pattern out in the world. If you’re interested in test knitting, especially larger sizes, pleeeeeease let me know.

So I have finished up a couple of knitted things this week because, like I said, it’s dead week/senior week, so all the soon-to-be graduates are chilling on campus for a week before graduation, partying, sleeping in, and generally laying about. I have been knitting, my boyfriend Joe has been putting together a self-published album of his orchestral/piano compositions (he’s good; I promise) and together we’ve been watching Stargate: Atlantis on Netflix (which is delightful, by the way. We’re about halfway into season two and I LOVE IT).

Anyway, during the many episode of SGA we’ve been watching, I’ve gotten a lot of knitting done. Like the shorter version of my Leah vest.


Pattern: Leah, which I am currently working on writing up.
Yarn: Reynold’s Tiara, three skeins I’ve had as long as I’ve been crocheting (ie, a long damn time), probably from a yard sale or something.
Needles: US 6/4 mm


So guys? I TOTALLY LOVE THIS VEST. I really didn’t think I would care for the cropped version but OMG it is so cute. It looks great over blouses and I think it’ll look good over some dresses and t-shirts too. LOVE LOVE LOVE. The points came out exactly how I wanted (just under the bust) and the neckline is perfect. I originally tried to put in too many buttons/button holes but when I reduced them from five to three, it came out perfectly. Seriously LOVE.


Also the photo shoot was fun. My camera guy (Joe) is great and I love him.


As for the yarn: It was just a bit thinner than I would have liked. Ravelry says worsted, but it’s more like a dk. Anyway, it’s discontinued, so I won’t be recommending it for the pattern (probably I’ll just say a cotton or rayon blend worsted weight). Tiara is rayon and silk and the rayon was very splitty and the silk very pilly. The finished vest is quite pretty, but I wouldn’t recommend this yarn to anyone, especially if it’s been sitting on the bottom of your yarn bin for several years. It is a pretty color though and I did use up just about all of it, so it’s out of my stash.

I believe I mentioned before I was working on a cotton summer hat — I’ve finished that too and will have some details/pictures in the next post. Suffice it to say that it’s awesome and basically the best hat ever. That post will not be tomorrow as tonight is Cinco de Mayo and I will be drinking tequila. Yes.

I finished the vest I started the other day! Like I said, it was a super quick knit. I (by which I mean my boyfriend, Joe) took approximately nine bajillion photos of roughly the same composition. Also, I apparently feel the need to tilt my head to the side in ALL POSED PHOTOS. I tried really hard not to this time, but it still crept in. Enjoy!


Pattern: My own, which I’m currently writing up.
Yarn: Linen/Cotton blend from a thrift store sweater
Needles: US 6/4 mm


So I posted my original sketch of this design on Ravelry, but I thought when I finished the fronts that it wasn’t going to look a whole lot like that. I wasn’t sure how well-defined the points would be after I did the trim, the armholes were looking wonky and I was thinking it was going to turn out to be a u-neck instead of a v-neck.

Actually, it turns out that picking up stitches around the neckline and armholes cures a multitude of knitting sins and instead it turned out pretty much how I envisioned it. Dudes? I LOVE THIS VEST.


There are a couple of issues. It’s a wee bit snug which means the buttons gape a little and the yarn I used is a little itchy thanks to the constant shedding of little cotton bits (which by the way were a HUGE pain in the ass when I was frogging the original sweater). Also, while the arm holes worked out all right on the BACK and I could probably write it up as-is, the decreases for the neckline and armholes for the fronts are… wonky. Well, you saw the picture of the fronts.

Fortunately, I plan to correct these flaws in the pattern by knitting another version of the vest. Hopefully. I want to do a shorter version where the points end just under the bust (kind of like this one, but knitted obviously and a bit shorter). I don’t know that I have the yarn for it currently in-stash, but it’s possible I have a cotton-blend in a sweater I have yet to frog. And then I can just dye it whatever color. Or I suppose I could just knit it in wool.

Incidentally, the reason this design is called Leah (pronounced like the Alderaan (my boyfriend insists that this should be “Alderaanian”; he is a huge Star Wars nerd) princess) is for my friend of the same name, who has a super cute cropped vest like the one described above and a generally great fashion sense. Also, I like her. And apparently I am on a “name designs after my friends” kick.


Anyway, yes. Wonderful vest. Design plans for future. Now back to the man socks. *shakes fist*

So, as I mentioned last post, I am taking a break from the endless Manly Aran Socks to knit a vest. It’s a super quick project that I’m designing mostly on the fly, and even though I started three days ago, this is what it looks like so far:


Plus about two inches of the back. So I have left to finish the rest of the back, plus some ribbing or something around the edges. My original sketch of this design looked like this:


I think I’m going to work up a shorter version of the sketch (the tails would be right under the bust) so I can fiddle with the neck/arm shaping so the pattern doesn’t suck. I do love the princess lines on the fronts, which came out pretty much how I wanted. The neckline is a little funny, but I think that’ll look better when I work some ribbing there.

I can’t wait for this vest to be finished–I’m thinking it’ll look super cute over a flowey blouse or dress.

So I finished that pullover I was working on. Mostly because I decided it was a vest.


Pattern: None, I made it up as I went.
Yarn: Plymouth Galway (grey) and a wool/acrylic mix I frogged from a thrift store sweater and overdyed from pastel pink to purple-ish.
Needles: US 7/4.5 mm


So yes, the striped pullover is now a striped vest. Which I may or may not write up a pattern for (I probably will). I really was going to knit a proper pullover with set-in sleeves and then I screwed up the armscye shaping, ending up with something like a racerback and the sleeves would have required some serious short rowing to fit in the holes. So I said “Fuck it!” and went with the vest.

Which I am actually very very pleased with. It’s hella cute over short-sleeved blouses and this way it won’t be so hot to wear indoors. Pullovers with sleeves are great when it’s 30F and I have to walk a mile to get to class but not so awesome when the inside temperature is like, 70. Yeah. So vest!


I can’t wait til the weather cools down and I can wear it with that blouse and some dark-wash skinny jeans. And my awesome cowboy boots. That is an outfit I will be ROCKIN’ in the winter time.